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ok tbh i know my opinion is irrelevant but i feel like some forget what neocities is rlly about. we should be focusing more on the artistic aspect of it rather than the social one. and i dont even know why commenting on ppls profile is a thing. and tbh u cant just try and keep someone from hosting their site on here,(neocities) which is literally for website hosting
purinland 2 years ago

and honestly its a nice thing to have comments and a way to communicate with eachother about your sites and interests, but your feed isnt a blog for u to rant about other people and to try to "cancel" users. i get it, you have a voice of your own and its good to have it heard but this is definitely not the place to be talking about those sort of issues.

purinland 2 years ago

this is the internet, there's gonna be all sorts of people on here and theres not much you can do about it, but just suck it up. if you're going to straight up harass them they probably won't change their point of view, they're just going to be even more against yours.

graybox 2 years ago

neocities user @purinland being supercalifragilisticexpialidociously real as always

meko 2 years ago

very true, there are other sites for social aspects you don't need to post them here


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