Very cool!!! I always love seeing things about others OCs and worldbuilding!! :D
oh em gee i remember drawing maizie for secret santa i think... this page is so cute !
I love more this more than I should, I wanted to do the same with my ocs and lore but since I heard stories of people characters being stolen when i entered the internet and neocites i have nothing more than fear.
@turbuggy thank uuuu :') and @lifeinthe4thdimension I still really treasure that art you made you captured her perfectly!
@armonicnoise the trick is to create OCs that are such losers that no one would want to steal them
heartbreaking: I had to remove a line talking about how the lyrics on Gamma are "kind of cunty" because it didn't flow with the point I was trying to make. That's still how I feel though.
yoooo french touch enjoyers really are having a good year. I have your thoughts exactly about Gamma, its sillyness did also catch me off guard. The bangers here are definitely hard dreams, hysteria, and mania (thank you for that remix rec!) It really is a shame the album isnt longer since i've already overplayed all my favorite tracks from the album :(
I havent given Hyperdrama a listen yet, mostly because im a Cross truther and I haven't been too excited about any of their releases since that era... still tho they are near and dear to me and seeing them live was one of the coolest concert experiences ive ever had
@atomicgothic so trueee. I was actually lowkey dreading listening to hyperdrama but it was fine lmao. I would reccomend it! Even if you don't listen, that guy who did the mania/hysteria remix has done a bunch of hyperdrama remixes that are also fire, so I would check out those at least. I have a feeling you'll like them :3
also bonus psycho remix by a different guy that I wanted to talk abt but couldn't fit it in the review:
Just a warning, it's not suitable for children. One of the pages has violent content and strong language.
love the hate page. there is something so visceral about it... are those generated from things that were actually said as well?
oooooh I really like this conceptually. Wedding vows are, in theory, super personal and human. But being blended and parroted by a bot makes the output sound shallow. The hate page is also cool in a similar way but hatred is less formal? I dunno, tl;dr cool piece :>
@dxccci thanks for your feedback! the words on the hate page aren't taken from anything, hence why it repeats the same phrase a lot. I couldn't think of that many insults lol
really just adding onto what everyone has said, but the juxtaposition between wedding vows and hate is so wonderful and sharp. something about this concept tickles my brain and i really really like it! thank you for sharing :^)
I've put this on the art page but I'll put it here too: you can get prints of my art now on inprnt!
new buttons!