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Page, if you are still looking for the font used in txt files, I know that whatever font it is that you're thinking of is "monospaced", with every character being the same width. If you know what web browser you were using, I may help you further.
misterdizzy 2 years ago

It wasn't "fixedsys" was it?

pagespages 2 years ago

Thank you! :)

1 like
pagespages 2 years ago

The browser in question was Firefox, but I also used Chrome too.

I will be upset if Fred Durst is not the English dub voice for Denji in Chainsaw Man, not that I am a fan of CSM or anything, just saying.
chipsfunfun 2 years ago

i will make another sailor moon anime but this time with new characters!!

aw shit it's my boy page's pages
mental-labour 2 years ago

shit yeah dawg!!

pnnamerica 2 years ago

That gif looks good at least

1 like
80 follows u did it brodie
pagespages 2 years ago

Thank you. :)

1 like
Let's go 80 followers
pagespages 2 years ago

Thank you. :)

Nice website. You have good taste with what you read. I need to read some more myself, as I have more books than I know what to do with. Do you, by any chance, get your books secondhand? I have found that secondhand books are oftentimes the best deals, all things considered. That aside, I look forward to future updates. Keep up the good work!
mental-labour 2 years ago

thanks man, for me i mostly get books secondhand unless i want a clean copy of something in particular, but i mostly buy my books from Library Genesis and load the pdfs/epubs onto my ink ereader

mental-labour 2 years ago

most of my notes have been digitized versions of handwritten notes but i find handwriting notes to be incredibly labour intensive and my preference has become left side of screen: html, right side of screen: pdf/epub, which is what im doing for Logic of Desire

kaa 2 years ago

That's my favorite solution too.

mental-labour 2 years ago if you want some nice ass stationery i tend to use this website, even their cheap fountain pens are bomb

kaa 2 years ago

It happens to be that library genesis has most any book you look for . . . infinite copies, too!

mental-labour 2 years ago

library genesis is great for non-fiction which is what i mostly read but dear god their fiction scans can either be nonexistent or awful, which is why i now have a shitload of fiction on my physical bookshelves

pagespages 2 years ago

I mainly go to libraries and used book stores in my area for almost all of my books. Sometimes I am given a copy from the school/college I attend, but usually the nonfiction that I am given are guides which usually have an insufferable author's tone used throughout.

pagespages 2 years ago

Sounds good, thank you.

1 like
kaa 2 years ago

b-ok DOT cc is a good fiction go-to.

mental-labour 2 years ago

aw the library's where it's at

Today is mainly a day for structural updates, with finishing the Links page being my primary goal. I also my begin to transfer my style from HTML to CSS. The site for my web novel is going to need this before I can load actual content to it.
pagespages 2 years ago

CSS has been loaded, I may make some slight stylization edits, providing I am able to find the font used in older .htm and .txt files. Does anybody know? I will likely test the font on one of the new book review pages.

1 like
kaa 2 years ago

If you were used to seeing a particular default font, it may be one of the ones mentioned here:

pagespages 2 years ago

Thank you.

pagespages 2 years ago

Found the font and it has been applied to a few lines on the recently created 1984 page. Seeing that the font is more compact, it might be better for longer reviews.

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CreatedMar 23, 2022
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