Beep Bird

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owlroost 3 years ago

Tweaked a few definitions and put IDs on everything for easier linking.

owlroost 3 years ago

Updated navigation so it behaves more as expected, and added a new subpage to Vero's page.

owlroost 3 years ago

Edited to reflect some information found while compiling records.

Working on a major CSS overhaul. The current one is nice, don't get us wrong, but we can do better for readability and we have ideas on how to improve the site visually. Just have to nail down the colors.
owlroost 3 years ago

Removed redundant CSS class.

owlroost 3 years ago

CSS overhaul- still not perfect, but better. Need to work on the main section's colors to get it to fit in nicely while retaining good contrast.

owlroost 3 years ago

Also overhauled navigation again.

Curious- how's the readability of our "light text on dark background" color scheme? Would the site be more readable or comfortable for people if the background were light and the text dark instead, or is it best left as-is?
owlroost 3 years ago

We're thinking we're going to switch to a light background because after testing, it is more readable. Working on getting colors to look nice now.

1 like
owlroost 3 years ago

Minor tweaks.

1 like
Wait, there's an owl nest on Neocities? TIL.
owlroost 3 years ago

Hoot hoot!

1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 23 hours ago
CreatedMar 9, 2021
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writing furry poetry accessibility queer