Owl's Roost

17,922 updates
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Just printed out what I've got of Pointers so far- comes out to a grand total of 32 double-sided pages! More than I'd expected given I didn't print most of the monologue pages (Truth, Wanderer, Liminal Space, etc.).
Neocities rolled my updates together again, bluh. New poem!
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Oh, one notable comment on Neocities' 'Download your entire site'- if your site goes above a certain size, that goes away. All that's left is mounting it or downloading through other means. Large part of why I used to work on a local copy and use the provided CLI to upload my changes- everything is always up to date locally. Definitely complicates backups otherwise!
pip-pepping 1 year ago

This I have noticed with other sites I followed! (though Im guessing youre telling me this because of my "back your shit up" article, where at the time I *didn't* know this) This issue is also why I make edits on a local copy and dump everything here afterwards

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Typo on the writing directory: broswer. (I swear I've made the same typo at least once!)
pip-pepping 1 year ago

AUGHHHHHHH (thank you for pointing it out!)

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owlroost 1 year ago

I just noticed the same typo in the title (meta element) of that browser article as well (good taste in extensions btw!).

Not going to lie, your article on hosts and The Neocities Dilemma was what finally made me think "maybe it's time". SSI alone has made it worthwhile! Price savings are always nice too, but WOW was it a lot of work to manage duplicate header code across this many pages.
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kalechips 1 year ago

That's great! SSI is such a time saver for static sites, and I'm happy to be the gateway into that world for people.

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedMar 9, 2021
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writing furry poetry accessibility queer