Owl's Roost

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Thank you for including the checker pattern toggle! Now I can visually enjoy it if I want AND read more easily- definitely helps a lot.
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kalechips 1 year ago

Congratulations on the move! I'm always happy to see people moving hosts (and finding out about SSI lol - it's a beautiful thing).

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Love all the layouts! The link to "Your Website Needs to Work on iPhones" on the layout page is a 404, though.
owlroost 1 year ago

And hey, fellow uncommon time signature enjoyer! 7/4 is one of my favorites, and 3/2 is probably my all-time favorite (a pain to play in, though).

kalechips 1 year ago

Oops! I had moved the layout directory into another folder and forgot to update where that link was pointing. It is fixed now.

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kalechips 1 year ago

Anyway, thanks! I really love anything with odd numbers on top, or just stuff that forces you to split the measure into strange uneven groups of notes. One of my favorite songs uses 12/8 and 22/8 and it's such a headache to tap along to, but it's so fun!

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owlroost 1 year ago

Is it "Dance of Eternity" by Dream Theatre? That's got some wild time signature changes.

kalechips 1 year ago

It's The First Circle by the Pat Metheny Group, but I will definitely check out that song!

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colrana 1 year ago

hooray for megamixes!

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The whole design of your site makes me smile- definitely going to spend a while listening to alternate pop dimension!
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colrana 1 year ago

aw thank you so much! it makes me happy to hear that!! ^^

colrana 1 year ago

i have to also say i absolutely love your brain resources page and have shared it with some friends in the past! you got a great site filled with resources its incredible

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So I MIGHT be uploading a massive zipfile of all the music I could dig off my hard drive onto turns out I've written about 2 gigabytes in 8 years!
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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedMar 9, 2021
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