NeoCities Neighborhood Directory

3,801 updates
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Madison Avenue is now open!
Own your own business or work from your home office? Rejoice, Eureka is now open!
MotorCity is now open
what section do i follow under?
neo-neighborhoods 3 years ago

YOu can be in whatever neighborhood you would like to be in... But if you are asking for an opinion, well the site appears to still be Under construction. If you are going to concentrate on gaming perhaps TimeSquare? Pick a neighborhood with a theme that you like and join!

sillyfanboy 3 years ago

can you add a rhythm game section? im going to make more content with rhythm games but also games

neo-neighborhoods 3 years ago

Unfortunately there won't be any new neighborhoods created in Neo-Neighborhoods, with the exception of maybe Picket Fence, Pipeline, and Augusta since they were actual GeoCities Neighborhoods... but they were added after the site makeover of 1998. To make any new Neighborhoods would require the creation of all new graphics from scratch and everything else involved... 38 neighborhoods is already a lot!

I accidently deleted that thread on my phone at work.
neo-neighborhoods 3 years ago

Thanks! We have your button on the site now.

We went ahead and added you to West Hollywood... If you'd rather be in Sunset Strip let us know and we will move you over there.
neo-neighborhoods 3 years ago

Per your request, we moved you to Sunset Strip.

Welcome to SouthBeach!
Welcome to SoHo!
cadnomori 3 years ago

Thank you ever so much!!

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJul 19, 2019
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