NeoCities Neighborhood Directory

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Welcome to SunsetStrip! Your site is listed in the Residential District and is also being featured on the SunsetStrip Landing page! You may display this award if you choose: if you choose to display the graphic, please link it back. Thanks!
kakashi 3 years ago

yayy thanks!! :'))

1 like
hi can i join
neo-neighborhoods 3 years ago

Certainly, just find the neighborhood you want to join and click the join link right under the main mast image.

neo-neighborhoods 3 years ago

If you need help here is a tutorial video

Welcome to TimesSquare! Your site is now listed in the Residential District:
1 like
grandi 3 years ago

Thank you!

1 like
TLDR; Join whatever neighborhood you want to. Everyone is welcome and everyone on neocities deserves to have their site listed in a neighborhood if they want to be!
Because I wanted to live there and it is my home. ;) Hope this helps. Have a wonderful evening.
a sense of community and fellowship among the various neocities sites, not just be a antiseptic site listing divided strictly into categories. Live in the neighborhood you want to live in. I live in Area-51, I like Area-51, Area-51 is cool. I have friends in West Hollywood, Times Square, Soho, and South Beach among others, and that is cool, I like going over there to visit them. But, I still live in Area-51 (Cont.)
can't decide what neighborhood your site "belongs" in, then let me tell you this. In the long run that is not all that important. Join a neighborhood with people and pages you like in it. Join a neighborhood because the theme interests you even if your page is only nominally if at all connected with it. Heck, join a neighborhood because the neighborhood graphics look cool! This project is more about fostering (Cont.)
that most of the sites in the various neighborhoods were just personal homepages sometimes having very little to do with the theme of the neighborhood they are built in. To join geocities back in the day you picked a neighborhood and address to build a site in first and then signed up. If you are hesitant to join a neighborhood or be listed in these neighborhoods because you don't think your site fits or you (Cont.)

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJul 19, 2019
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neocities homepages neighborhoods