Lost Letters

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lostletters 1 week ago

New blog post about rekindling creative passion (or at least attempting to): if you've gotten out of a creative rut recently, I'd love to hear how.

maxcrunch 1 week ago

it helps me to force myself to do a little of something most days (I don't do well with daily๐Ÿซ ). I try to think of the scaffolding for my ideas and focus on that. for example if I want to write more blogs, I write nonsense more often to exercise my writing brain. or use my time to learn code before deciding how to put it on my site later, etc.

maxcrunch 1 week ago

it's sadly not fool proof and I still have dips but I also try to view blocks as part of the creative process, rather than a failure of creativity. sometimes you're in a moment where you're consuming/inputting, rather than creating/outputting, and that's on

lostletters 1 week ago

That's such a kind way of framing the blocks, I'll take that to heart for sure. Thank you!

fri11s 1 week ago

not focusing on the outcome i think is the best way! doing it for the journey not the destination. you can make stuff for yourself, small things. maybe write a small d20 loot list or make a wordsearch out of code. you don't have the share the things if that piles on the pressue for it to be 'perfect'. creativity is in the process. do it for the joy :) you've got this xx

nohappynonsense 1 week ago

i have an approach that i've sort of hodge podged together into my own thing from a few different idea sets i've seen over the years, but basically, i hold myself to a weekly deadline for an achievable with good effort "published" writing that i post to the site. this works for me because a) i view creativity as a habit that gets stronger with reinforcement and b) it creates a streak that i do not want to break

nohappynonsense 1 week ago

it's not fool-proof (i am a fool, after all) but it really makes me not feel so precious about certain ideas i've logged away to "work on some day" and also makes me flex the creative muscles even when i don't want to, like, at all. i know it's something i view as good and productive for myself so i'm fine with this sort of background badger in my brain saying "hey saturday is coming you need to write something"

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nohappynonsense 1 week ago

i used to think good ideas, creative efforts, and my own capabilities were this limited resource that i had to choose to use sparingly for fear of running out. now i believe the opposite is true. "hold nothing back, the well will refill" to quote robert d. richardson

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lostletters 1 week ago

I really need to work on getting better at practicing even when I don't want to do it at all as you mentioned. I'm going to try to work on building that muscle!

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