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the only tmbg i've heard is Flood, a cover of Birdhouse by Lemon Demon, and Weird Al's "Everything You Know Is Wrong" (which was in the style of TMBG) and I've liked it all. Where would you recomend I go next
44nifty 1 year ago

(for the record, if you haven't listened to EYKIW, i've been told that it sounds most like Apollo 18 (i hope i'm writing that album's name right) so do with that what you will

foolsparadise 1 year ago

im not bluef00t, sorry, but i am another big tmbg fan. you should check out flood first, or the pink album, which is their self titled debut. if you enjoy it id say just go chronologically. also, weird als style parody sounds a lot more like their first two albums in my opinon.

bluef00t 1 year ago

John Henry (1996) is when they transitioned from just two guys and a drum machine to a full band. That's probably their second biggest "original hit" album after Flood. If you're interested in what they're up to more recently, I really like I Like Fun (2018) or Nanobots (2013). If you like the original duo sound more, there's Lincoln (1988) and Apollo 18 (1992), which are Definitely what Weird Al was riffing on.

bluef00t 1 year ago

(Jackie's advice is pretty solid too, but I'm assuming you want a kind of sampler here. TMBW awaits if you want to dig deeper!)


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