bees laugh in atbash

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Hang on, I'm having an epiphany. I didn't break those links. I just took such a long break from neocities that they *changed how directories work*. Wack. It looks like files ending with .html are handled like a pseudodirectory now.
bluef00t 1 year ago

When was that changed? Anyone have any insight on that?

bluef00t 1 year ago

The relevant issue being that "[link]" doesnt work anymore; it causes some kind of endless redirect loop. It has to terminate with a slash like so: "[link]" Not good for link rot!

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satyrwoud 1 year ago

I’m not a big fan either; maybe go and badger Kyle (Kevin? i never remember his name)’s email about the redirect bug

bluef00t 1 year ago

LOL I understand now. My earlier edge case correction (making some .html pages redirect to a directory without a slash) just HAPPENED to be the opposite of HIS choice for edge case correction (redirecting from a "directory" that didn't end with a slash to the .html page) and ended up in an endless loop.

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CreatedJul 13, 2018
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