bees laugh in atbash

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is everyone else on neocities better at webcoding than I am or are they just less likely to do something stupidly ambitious out of their knowledge/good sense zone than I am
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bluef00t 3 years ago

at least my music page still looks pretty identically acceptably bad to how it did at its inception, minus the times new roman

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eyesonthelens 3 years ago

Don't worry, everything I've achieved on my website has been by doing something stupid and ambitious that I don't know how to do (And observing closely what others do and how does it work, lol)

encounters-ltd 3 years ago

im not very good at coding myself... most of my site was created with lots of help from w3schools, and even then there was much trial and error abound

scifirenegade 3 years ago

What I learned was by reverse engineering very simple websites. And w3schools :P And trial and error. And...

arkmsworld 3 years ago

I made it a point, for a few years, to make unique web pages with no idea how to do it. Learned alot from just experimenting and trial and error. That's a large part of the fun. :)

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJul 13, 2018
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