Virtually Isolated

1,619 updates
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You got some amazing pieces on the site! Can't wait to see more!
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love your site! thanks for the webcomic nostalgia trip omg, great list
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virtually-isolated 1 year ago

Thank you! I still have a long way to go with making the layout for that page better, but thank you for giving it a read-through! I appreciate you having a look and am happy to hear you had a quick memory-lane trip! Happy new year!

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Big update! More pages, side images and some more. However! I'm going to redo the whole thing. I've hit my limit on what I can do with the current skeleton of the website, it's done in Tables. I've made a site with base HTML in SolarCyberPunk, I've experienced building with Tables in this iteration and will now move on to slicing things I make in PS7 and load them into DW2004 and using Layers. Enjoy the new pages!
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Cheers for following me on this site, too. I wanted to make something a little more personal than Solarcyberpunk. More than "Behold, potatoes"
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solarpoppunk 1 year ago

That's fair, nothing wrong with wanting to expand yourself and your mediums!

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMay 29, 2023
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software trans retro webcomics tabletop