Virtually Isolated

1,165 updates
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Love the sleek look and vibe of your website!
I absolutey love your site! I still have so much more to look at, but your Digital & Traditional art pages are stunning and the extreme bright, high contrast colours on some of the pieces are so wonderful to me!
pomelo 7 months ago

that is so sweet! thank you so much! <3

1 like
Thank you for checking out my little website! I started following you on Tumblr a bit ago when I saw some of the Tarot Cards and thought they were really cool! Can't wait to see more!
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Cleaned up the site a little, made more room in the text boxes and merged some pages. Removed the Shrines part because I still got almost nothing but paper mock-ups and the one Morrowind thing. I deleted the preview because it was just a blank page with broken images, but I can never get that preview back unless I update again a week later. So, don't worry too much if you missed this site rehaul. Every one does.
virtually-isolated 7 months ago

The Shrines will come back at some point! It might be a little bit, but in the end I only want to add to the site. Things that I may have stripped away in the past are still gonna come back. Like the little Runescape Classic banners from the Tabled version of the 2023 site, I still want to scatter those around.

septet 7 months ago

Yeah, I deleted my shrines page recently too. I really like the new index page.

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Oooh! This looks fun! I can't wait to see more!
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automagical 7 months ago

thank you! :o)

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Hey, I was just sorting my buttons, and I was just wondering if you have one for your site I could put up! I've got to mention the webcomic portion of your site though, it's positively staggering how much stuff you have up there. Amazing!
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virtually-isolated 7 months ago

Looking around, I only now noticed I didn't put my own button on my site! I also noticed that the Webcomics page itself is a little messed up! I apologise for that one! For now, I'll just *steal* and link my button off SolarCyberPunk.

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blankbarrel 7 months ago

Oh lol I know I passed over that button a couple times while reading about your plant endevours. Thank you!

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I love the absolute chaos in the graphics on the page! I love your art gallery, too!
gekkorotto 8 months ago

Thank you! I'm still learning HTML and while it's looked down upon this layout is pretty much ripped from @webcoreedits site, so I wanna give them credit for the main layout, I just added and removed some stuffs :33

1 like
I love your site too! Very nostalgic and I love the windows aesthetic. Retro Rat is so cute
1 like
This site is so cool!
1 like

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMay 29, 2023
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software retro webcomics fandom tabletop