An Expansive Link Directory Of We The Peoples Internet [Learn, Explore, Communicate]

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I can't wait for the sun to go down and it cool off actually it may be happening now
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this thing on? testing , one two one two... major Tom to ground control... come in ground controll... is anyone there? *tskt*
good morning (#_#)
nostalgia (#_#)
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some way cool websites out there. I wish there was just a straight list of every website on neocities. that'd be sick. (#_#)
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Censorship of any form on the internet is a violation of the can spam act my friend, it's illegal , and the first amendment. Fight back against censorship. #censorship #censorship
I just left the group athiest vs religion, and these people are sick. Chick uses mewe all day to harass religous people, a troll activist of sorts. One of these bafoons that jumps on a typo and trys to play it like now you're low iq, like your typo , is really a "spelling error" , etc. A total narcissist jezebel. Dont waste your time with these people that's their whole life purpose because they have no real purpose
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Your website is interesting!
biblenotes 2 years ago

One thing i noticed and thought to myself is how a large percentage of important information is completely blocked to view by algos, paid content etc. Ive been looking for more sites that source/archive hard to find/censored etc. internet content

stonedaimuser 2 years ago

thanks a million. :) I've started working hard at it lately any links you can offer would be appreciated. I'm happy with it need to keep it growing. I'm adding more neocities pages etc. If I haven't already added you I will now. I'll check one sec

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedDec 22, 2018
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