An Expansive Link Directory Of We The Peoples Internet [Learn, Explore, Communicate]

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hey guys (#_#)
I keep a "God journal". I pray, I document my dreams, talk about life briefly,, things I wanna do & things I need to work on & things I need to remember. It's very healthy & in my experience a good form of mindfulness training. I ask God to guide me & speak and I practice the mindfulness of keeping god in my mind and heart constantly. I use past experiences to keep this vibe induced. I also document my dreams
Chatroom's titled "religion", are typically full of atheist who are there just to talk smack and minister for team Atheist, it's so lame. #atheism Join team we believe in a higher power.
That warm comfy feeling you get, that gratitude and enjoyment out of the small things in life, it comes with being humble, which comes with fasting. You gotta go without the things that you love in life to really cherish them and get that glow from experiencing them. If you always get everything you want, you get burnt out on dopamine and never find joy in those things in life anymore. It can be very dangerous
arandomsite 2 years ago

make all of these thoughts into a page

Hope everyone is having a fantastic saturday. I fasted from the internet for a while and now it is fun and exiciting again for me. Joy! I have food coming later too from Walmart that is very elating to know it makes me happy and warm inside. yes yes (#_#) I will eat those chips! yes!!!
What is fasting? It's when you abstain from doing things for a certain amount of time for the purpose of increasing your gratitude, and decrease your spoiled fleshly nature. It's a treatment for gluttony. What is gluttony? Indulging in excessive amounts of pleasure inducing activity of any kind for the mere sake of doing it and especially out of habit, and in excess. Drinking too much beer, smoking too much pot, etc.
these stupid narratives, it's like they have an AI narrative bot or something . Narrative back on the narratives man. Combat fake narrative with truth. That's our weapon , our narrative of truth. Rock crushes scissors, gnomesayn? #narrative

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