Owl's Roost

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owlroost 1 year ago

Lots of changes and additions today- check the sitelog for a full list.

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phosphor-us 1 year ago

ohhh i love the idea of a song lyric page, might have to steal that someday. also hell yeah sleeping at last! (and hah, i listened to their enneagram album before i knew about the whole system and found myself relating most to the five song, which turns out to be my own type so i guess they were accurate on that one. although the nine one also happened to be a bit oof, lol)

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experiencemachine 1 year ago

read your latest assorted thought article and honestly agree with it; that's my biggest wariness with communities, they hold a lot of power if one's not careful.

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owlroost 1 year ago

They really do hold a lot of power, and it's just as concerning how few people seem to notice this. It feels like there needs to be some education on how to safely engage- the only internet safety I was ever taught was "don't talk to strangers and don't use your real name". We need something better than that to cover all the other cases where things get dangerous more quietly.

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Replying here so you see- I use Auxy to make music at the moment, though I'm starting to dabble in MuSE and LMMS to see if I can figure those out. I do use Audacity for sample editing now and then as well. And geese are great! They get more hate than they deserve for being little dinosaurs that stand up for themselves.
anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

Interesting, thanks! And yes, geese are misunderstood, and are they are at their "meanest" when they have goslings and people go near them. I don't blame geese for hissing and lunging when people go near them. Better than watching those peacocks at the zoo being kicked by kids while their parents laughed. 7 yr old me wanted so badly for those peacocks to jump at those kids.

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anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

Do you use an app for writing music? Also, I love your opinion on geese

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CreatedMar 9, 2021
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