Owl's Roost

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I spent 2 hours browsing through your website last night and I love the beautiful style in which you express yourself.
owlroost 1 year ago

Aww, thank you! I really appreciate hearing that (and I'm happy to see more people putting up RSS feeds!).

1 like
Hey, nice site. Impressed by the sheer amount of useful bookmarks alone. Keep up the good stuff.
owlroost 1 year ago

Thank you! Your site's pretty dang good as well. Loving the idea of a linkblog- you're giving me ideas.

1 like
mikegrindle 1 year ago

Cheers! I can't claim it's a wholly original idea. But it's been an interesting form to experiment with.

1 like
owlroost 1 year ago

Typo correction day! Was no one going to tell me that I missed a t?

umbritzer 1 year ago

Safety 101 first point: offline and *online selves.

1 like
owlroost 1 year ago

Augh, thank you- think that got scrambled while rearranging things. Fixing that now!

Re: antipsych, well-said on the difference between antipsych and anti-recovery. There's definitely a lot that needs to improve in the mental health system and it can be good to be critical of it, but writing off recovery/improvement entirely is a whole other deal that's very concerning. Definitely interested in whatever you write on the subject in the future.
macaque 1 year ago

I consider myself "antipsych" (mainly for the way that the mentally ill are treated by doctors, the rate of abuse in mental health facilities, and other such things; it's on my list to make an article on the subject) but I also find that so often, "antipsych" can very easily slip into "anti recovery". It's deeply worrying, and one of my main criticisms of the current antipsych movement online.

macaque 1 year ago

You did an excellent job putting that issue in the community, and more, to words.

1 like
Woo, new music release! And free to download if you'd like. Find it here:
owlroost 1 year ago

No TTRPG update yet today. Was updating license metadata.

owlroost 1 year ago

There is a new Assorted Thought, though!

anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

Thank you for writing this page! I definetely agree with you on all of your points, and I feel like even adults should limit how much info they put about themselves online. (of course, every adult has to make the best desisions for themselves)

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedMar 9, 2021
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