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vashti 5 months ago

I missed your presence on the web ♡ It seems as though everything you write about is eternally interesting & almost always new to me. Your site reminds me that there's so much to discover in the world. I hope you have a good New Year's.

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vashti 5 months ago

I'd like to read Anna Karenina, & War & Peace in the coming year. I've wanted to read it since reading The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Have you read it before? It's a short read, a novella, & so impactful. I think about it so often.

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nymphblood 5 months ago

@vashti Happy New Year Vashti! Thank you so much always for your kind words, I am so glad you enjoy reading what I write. I love reading what you share with the world as well, likewise, your words are eternally interesting and new to me. I have not read The Death of Ivan Ilyich, but now I plan to. Going through all of Tolstoy this year, I hope. I am so excited for you to read War and Peace. I am actually rereading (1

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nymphblood 5 months ago

(2) for the second time this year, just a different translation to compare between the two. Anna Karenina is ripping my heart out, but War and Peace will always be my favorite from Tolstoy. Much peace and love.

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