Forgot to post, but I added my review for Convenience Store Woman the other day! I also started a shrine for other people's shrines because y'all are so creative . =3 Also a tiny journal update tonight. Have a good weekend folks!
ohh, thank you for including my shrine! <333 also, love your review of Convenience Store Woman!
Yeah! I love postcards, my grandmas used to send me some from all of the places they would visit when I was growing up, so I thought it was so cool to see a community purposely exchanging them! And thank you as well. ^u^
aw thanks for including my pacific rim shrine!! i'm loving digging through the other shrines you've linked here too!!
Pacific Rim is one of my favorite movies, and I loved your shrine as soon as I saw it! So thank you for making and sharing! ^u^
Thank you so much! I'm fond of each of them in their own ways, but I am a sucker for all of DA2's strengths and I will forever be shouting it from the mountain tops. X)
Journal update from the first official week of living in our apartment. Archived my 2023 journal entries and created an archive page for my site updates. Added my list of things I want to do in the new apartment to the noteboard. Started making updates to my about page.
Lots of little tweaks and fixes and typo squishing around the site today! Various updates around the library for graphics and a new month of bookbug. Also started sprucing up the crafts page in preparation for getting back to my irl projects.