tooth ache central

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Hi! I was (finally!) going through the guestbook and adding new members to their respective cliques and it looks like your clique page is acting up, so I wasn't able to pull your kindness rock from it.
cavitycollector 4 weeks ago

oh so sorry! ill try and fix it as soon as i can, my PC is broken at the moment so i cant deal with it until thats fixed.

cavitycollector 3 weeks ago

hmm, when i visit the page it seems to be working perfectly fine. what problem were you experiencing? (we can move to email if that is simpler for you, but idc either way just wanted to give the option)

1 like
1 like
love ur site sm!!! csh 4 the winnn & i appreciate u joining the webring and linking to dogmotif!! :D - dogmotif but on main acc lol
anchorgutz 3 months ago

TY!!! Ur site is awesome sauce, it’s an honour to be in the webring πŸ™

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedSep 3, 2023
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