Nickle4aPickle on NeoCities

859 updates
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Nickle's Faves 2.0 is here! I'd been using the old layout for over 2 years, so I figured it was overdue for an overhaul. XD
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Hey! Would you be interested in joining a webring for k-pop fans that I'm putting together? :)
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nickle4apickle 1 month ago

Sure! Thanks for the invite!

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Thanks so much for signing my guestbook! :D Hope you've been well. ^__^
nickle4apickle 1 year ago

AAAHHHH I'm so excited to finally have this done! ;w; I've wanted my own pixel doll/art site since the mid-2000s, and now I finally have one!

Has anyone in the pixel art/dolling community found a working Wayback Machine link to 2PIXEL? I just spent way too long trying myself. @_@ And I mean into the site proper, not just the landing page with the "Enter" link. Every time I click it, it just reloads the page. ;A;
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Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedApr 29, 2022
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kpop videogames anime pixelart nostalgia