Just linking some academic reading I've been doing and cleaning up Lady Bast's shrine.
Happy Pride to all my favourite queer folks on the internet! Just a some small updates while my brain continues to be consumed by spinning and crochet projects to cope with work changes: Updated the library with what I'm currently reading including updates for June bookbug. Added one new recipe we liked to the kitchen and updated my pantry a bit.
I am slowly working on updating my neighbors on my links page, so if you're not up, please bear with me! I promise it's happening a lil bit at a time.
I know it has to be achievable, it'll just take some effort to figure out how to make it work with my brain instead of against it. Thanks for cheering me on. =)
Quick journal update. Updated the bookbug members (there sure are a lot of us now!).
5/4/2024 | May the 4th be with you! Mostly updates to the library today: updated my currently reading list, added one book to my 2024 library picks, and started my entry for May bookbug. Also added one new link to the recipes page.
Journal update about my birthday and my unexpected absence from the site. Updated the guestbook playlists on spotify and youtube. Updated some fanlisting/cliques links and added one. Added a couple more recipes we've tried. Otherwise just typo squishing and making little odds and ends of code neater to get me back in the swing of things!
Thank you so much!