One new Mando'a resource added. Several new crafting graphics added. New birds added to garden graphics. Updated neocities neighbors and reorganized.
Found a few new archived graphics pages, also rearranged the icons on the graphics index. Tediously organizing my blinkies onto blinkie racks because why the hell not.
just little aesthetic changes today. did find the original source for one of the blinkie racks in tbe collection and a new graphics page was added to the graphics index. =)
Updated links collection. Updated graphics collections & resources. Added some new pokemon and garden graphics. Added randomized sidebar images to shrines. Made some more updates to the garden.
one new fish to aquarium graphics and my aquarium. added new garden graphics. revamped the garden in hopes of adding more fun stuff.
Oh, this looks wonderful! It's hitting a nostalgia vibe of deja vu, in a really really good way, but I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before. Wonderful work!!
Updates to Star Wars shrine include updates to Kotor page, new blinkies, and added a new link on the fanworks page. Poked around the Sobek and Bast shrines, updated/added links to both. Started Khnum shrine, added graphics to mythology page. Added my brief gen 9 starter thoughts to the Pokemon shrine.