1,902 updates
0 tips
re: webring: to prevent accounts with no information, you must enter all your account information when you register. if you created an account before today and didn't update your account information, i have deleted it. feel free to re-register. i will also be implementing an email system for when you forget your password. if you already have an account, you can go into your account settings and set an email.
puddingpudds 1 week ago

Should I reapply if I was part of the V1 webring? I don't know if I'm should or not (´・ω・`)

1 like
adilene 1 week ago

of course you can!!! :3

1 like
adilene 6 days ago

ah i forgot to mention... if you forgot your password and do not have an email set (which you probably don't if you created your account before today), please follow the instructions on the 'forgot password' page. i will manually set your email to your account.

1 like
i am going to start removing people from the webring if their site url leads to 1. a dead link 2. an image (it was funny the first time) 3. a site that is obviously not yours 4. social media (tumblr and toyhouse are not valid websites whats wrong with you) 4. i forgot what 4 was. where am i. anyways, look at me in the eyes right now. it HAS to be a website you constructed, with your own two (2) hands!!!
adilene 1 week ago

you can't just...... put a hashtag in the site url field.......... why would you do that................

i am curious: other than using neocities, how did you find my site? :3
tempoyak1kan 1 week ago

i found your site from a friend before i knew neocities!

rinnispace 1 week ago

i didnt find your site this way, but miku fans on social media mention it and spread the word abt it too!

pip-pepping 1 week ago

If it weren't for Neocities, I probly woulda found you through a webring (becuz we're neighbors on one of em)

mochagatari 6 days ago

via the voca webring!!

Pretty website here!
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I've been calling this year's Coachella "Mikuchella" even though Miku isn't one of the main performers.
hatsune miku
sclptures 3 weeks ago

hatsune miku

1 like
g0blin 3 weeks ago

matsune hiku

1 like
sparksonline 3 weeks ago

hatsune miku

d-o-r-e-m-i 3 weeks ago

hatsune miku

fishhooves 3 weeks ago

hatsune miku

sukuramaizu 3 weeks ago

hatsune miku

peppersalt 2 weeks ago

hatsune miky

Hey there! I love your site, it's really cool!
hey, i saw another user with music player code on their site credited to you, but i couldn't find anything in your resources or tutorials section for that? is it not actually available for the public to use or am i just not finding it? :')
1 like
pip-pepping 2 months ago

I found it! It's not on their resources page, but is linked on their about page on the bottom (pastebin link to the code:

1 like
maphren 2 months ago

@pip-pepping oh man you're right, thank you so much "^^ i never would've found that

very cute website
lyxthen 2 months ago

Hehe thanks, I'm still working on it

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJun 16, 2021
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vocaloid personal music anime