Sekai Lyric Pages

4,566 updates
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sooo uh. hi. been a minute 😭
sekai-lyric-pages 4 days ago

idk if anyone actually really reads these updates or super pays attention to this site anymore? but still, sorry for lack of updates. if youre wondering what happened, i basically just got really Really busy with a bunch of other projects jkshkfjd

sekai-lyric-pages 4 days ago

mainly, ive started a business (idk why but i hate calling it that 😭) selling my art, and ive joined a couple idol groups! so between doing stuff like drawing, cutting stickers, making keychains, making pins, setting up an online shop, applying to events, dance practice, making cosplays for perfomances, and also applying for's been a lot!

sekai-lyric-pages 4 days ago

soo yeah, updates have been very slow because of that 😔 but! i should, hopefully, be able to do updates again sorta soon-ish. in general updates probably will still be not as fast as they once were, but still. i will not abandon this site

sekai-lyric-pages 4 days ago

if you wanna keep up with my other stuff, my insta is dreamy_sheep39, which should have links to things like my shop and idol groups and stuff. ive actually got a performance at the end of this month at ibashocon! my first time on stage as an idol! see yall

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also damn 100k views??? thats. wild. thank u all
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sekai-lyric-pages 2 months ago

i am...Slowly gonna get back to updating

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedMay 29, 2023
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