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Im not sure why- but status cafe works fine whenever i view the html, but the second i post it to neocities it completely stops working and im not sure how to fix it if anyone has any input
crystalclearcrystalline 1 month ago

I noticed that I couldn't find any CSS code for it. Maybe that's it? I think should have the base CSS code on their "status widget" page

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duskspirals 1 month ago

Apparently you cant load external scripts on a free plan? So ill either have to find work around or remove it, Stinks though!

crystalclearcrystalline 1 month ago

Which script are you using? I've seen another user (petrapixel) who's also on the free plan and they have a widget

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duskspirals 1 month ago

@crystalclearcrystaline apparently only users who joined before 2024 can use external scripts- I should have clarified, it was a safety thing apparently?

duskspirals 1 month ago

Im not sure why it never shows the background whenever i post updates but i redid and fixed the site a ton

dexaroth 1 month ago

yo, some of the buttons and social icons are appearing as broken images for me! also there's nothing on the 'facts spitter' box showing up

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duskspirals 1 month ago

The Facts spitter box is supposed to be for Status Cafe but i swear I'm the only person it straight up doesnt work for. I think everything shoulddd be fixed now?

Alright- finally working on actually getting my site setup. it might be a bit as i have to start from scratch (pc broke) but its gonna be cool
Does anyone have any resources/tips for planning your site instead of creating it? Ive felt like ive needed a big refresh but every attempt has been difficult due to a lack of vision and planning
rareoarfishsightings 1 month ago

Drawing wireframes/page layouts and making sitemaps beforehand helps me personally !

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dexaroth 1 month ago

gotta agree with the previous comment! just doing shitty drawings in krita with like rectangle select and stuff. though I suppose you could try actual web design programs? the only one i know is lie. figma. lol.. never used it tho

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duskspirals 1 month ago

Actually super duper helpful idk why i didnt think of just drawing it! Thank you two

file garden being blocked without notice is like 911 for neocities
My computer broke and i lost a lot of my old site backup codes i reference, so im pretty demotivated at the moment. I will try to get back to updating soon but thats where my heads at
Im going through a period of burnout so it might be a moment before i fix some stuff with my site- I apologize for the lack of things on it at the moment.
yo, your blog page overflows downward because #scroll's size is 100vh but the exit banner already takes up part of the screen, so that it ends up being 100vh + the banner, causing the overflow!
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dexaroth 2 months ago

you can seemingly fix this by giving position:fixed; and inset:0 0 auto 0;, then giving #scroll a padding-top:5rem; (on my 1920 monitor at least) and removing its width and height, and background-attachment: fixed; to the body.

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dexaroth 2 months ago

alternatively, you could give a set max-height to #textbox such as 70dvh and give it overflow:auto;, if you intend on having multiple textboxes. though both methods have the transparent exit button sit kind of awkwardly at the top.. you could give the the same background as the body to remedy that, however! or have it sit in the top left, worst case scenario.

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dexaroth 2 months ago

ah, the comments hide tags. these lines refer to the 'center' element: "giving 'center' position:fixed; and inset:0 0 auto 0;" and "you could give 'center' the the same background as the body "

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duskspirals 2 months ago

Oh shit i didnt even notice that- Thank you so much AHGHHHHH I dont know how the fuck i didnt notice that before. Ive been really busy and havent been able to upkeep that much so i will try to get right on that tysm

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I didnt even realize i hit 50 followers- Thats actually insane to me, thank you all so much!

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJan 23, 2024
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