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Added the Old-Site & Bible Verse of the Day.
Web-Site-Ring was updated.
5 years ago
Over 58k views! Thank You!
Well, it's a nice looking site at the least.
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Will folks with a phone tell me how well this works? I don't mind the narrow look, but I'd like your opinion.
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kiddo9000 5 years ago

The responsiveness is nice and fits just fine on my iPhone 5s. Although some css would be nice.

1 like
websitering 5 years ago

Thanks. You're the 4th person to respond. (3 family members & you.) So far 75% of the group thinks it's ok. I deleted my CSS after starting the site; why download an extra 5k? ;) For this layout I'd need something, to keep the text at the top of the column at least. (By default I think tables are set to align data at the center of a column. And, yes, you're not supposed to use tables for layouts anymore. ;))

Added the Old-Site of the Day.
Added the Bible Verse of the Day.
(Finally!) added the Old-Site & Bible Verse of the Day.
Web-Site-Ring was updated.
5 years ago
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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedNov 28, 2016
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