
4,388 updates
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Thank You, lancer502, for Following WebSiteRing!
Added more info on Old Site of the Day
Added Bible Verse of the Day
Small problem with the "Not Found" page. When you enter the URL for my "Not Found" page, the server returns Neocities' generic "Not found" page: When you enter a bad URL, the correct "Not Found" page comes up.
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spacecat 8 years ago

yeah that happens to me, you should actually contact them about this (bottom right of the page)

Added old site of the day.
Jsut trying to future proof my webpages; removing explicit references to neocities from internal links; replacing them with .\ & ..\
Added Old-Site of the Day; Bible Verse of the Day
pasin5 8 years ago

what do you mean?

websitering 8 years ago

There's something new to view at WebSiteRing today; that's what I mean. :)

There are other free webhosts, some with better features than Neocities. Here's a list with reviews: That list isn't complete, but it's a good place to start. Please note that this isn't meant to be a "get out of here" statement; it's meant to be informative/helpful. Nothing wrong w/a mirror site on another free hsot is there? :)
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spriteclad 8 years ago

(nah but seriously i'm sticking with neocities for now, as shite as most of the community is)

signalsolonset 8 years ago

The neocities community is precisely why everyone here gets as much traffic as they do. Despite his displeasure for the community, he won't leave. At best, he'll momentarily take it all down over something silly.

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedNov 28, 2016
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