An Expansive Link Directory Of We The Peoples Internet [Learn, Explore, Communicate]

5,355 updates
0 tips
Nice communication. You got some broken YouTube embeds though. I like your making use of the marquee element and the old 90s feel. =.=
I'd love to see this finished because it looks great! Do you think neocities would mind if you baught a dot .com and pointed it to your neocities domain?
I'd love to see you add to this. Code sites with examples and real live syntax are a favorite of mine. [@>@]
art ^_^
1 like
[=.=] Good morning. I'm just following people to help out and enjoying some fresh webpages. Looks great!
where did you get the spinning netscapes? are they copyrighted? can anyone use them? I love a good website thank you. check mine out too please
cool graphical. cool!
glad to see people using neocities! we should take advantage of this free service as well as donate!
1 like
I suppose I need to follow my favorite neocities pages, and maybe they'll follow me back once they see how dope my page is.

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedDec 22, 2018
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