Owl's Roost

17,922 updates
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Small thing, but I just noticed that you updated the link to my site to reflect the apostrophe shift. Thank you! It's small but means a lot to me.
dragonsroost 2 years ago

We're glad! We try to revisit the links we have every so often to check that the site names are correct, still live links, and that they still fit in a particular section or not.

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Do you happen to know of any good mask making tutorials? I've wanted to make one for ages, have plenty of cardboard and supplies, and have no idea how to get the shape right.
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owlroost 2 years ago

Also, I started reading Katabasis and now I'm hooked. Probably going to binge everything that's there after sending this. How's your Peperomia plant doing? I've got one myself. They're wonderful.

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phils 2 years ago

Hi! I made my masks from templates, both are from and I recommend them. You can also search "low poly mask" on sites like Etsy to find patterns. & thank you fro reading Katabasis! I'm glad you like it and hope yo continue to enjoy it. My peperomia is doing good also, it's had a lot of new growth in the past year, and I currently have it in a pot with 3 rooted cuttings which are also growing well

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedMar 9, 2021
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