Hope you feel better! Although it is nice having a few days off school (: (unless you're really sick)
hehe love this page. you have very lovely hair! also im totally gonna consider putting personality test results on my about me as well e
nvm, i tried to add the SCM player but it didn't look good so i changed my mind ✌
oooh thank you!! tbh i've been searching SO MUCH for simple musicplayers for site's but couldn't find one i liked... super inspired by this layout: https://codepen.io/ajmalhassankn/pen/NWNbZJO, then made it draggable: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_draggable.asp and last... i stole the music player from https://myblace.one/ 🙈🙈🙈
flipping heck, i was trying to close some tabs (currently 74 open 💀) and accidentally saved an older version of my dorohedoro code,,,,,,,,