✰ welcome

1,322 updates
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ty very much for the follows!! i love ur nekoweb and ur neocities its so cute :3
cyberdemon 3 months ago

tysm !! looking forward to what you do with your website ^w^

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✰ welcome was updated.
3 months ago
i forgor i hosted all my graphics on discord 💔
totallynotazombie 5 months ago

its okay i think i saved them all on my puter anyway

ty for the follow yr site is sick!! :3
1 like
momolover 5 months ago

of course i love the aesthetic yours has so far ^_^ and i can;t wait to see future updates, thank you!!<3

1 like
ty for the follow!! i love love yr website its so cool :3
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tomorrowsbreakfast 5 months ago

No problem + thank you as well (⁠ᵔ⁠ᴥ⁠ᵔ⁠) yours is really cool too

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ty sm for the follow, like your a dir en grey fan with an amazing aesthetic and a website, you're literally so cool :D!!
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primavera-cero 5 months ago

:____D thanks a lot!!i haven't been here for a good while so im glad you still like it u___u your land site is really cool esp the drawing on the right love the textures^___^

totallynotazombie 5 months ago

ty sm!! dw lol, its been forever since i last made significant updates to my website, but im glad you like it!! ^_^

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omg im so late but its already been 1 year since i mdae totally not a zombie dot com?????
cheytopia 6 months ago

happy totally not a birthday!!!

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gh0sted 6 months ago


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✰ welcome was updated.
6 months ago
haii!!! I have a quick question- how did you make the filter that's over your website? it's super neat but there are no tutorals :3
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totallynotazombie 6 months ago

hii ty! i have no idea how to properly explain it since i first stole it from a spacehey layout when i first began coding, but you can totally steal it from my source page :3

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gh0sted 6 months ago

okaye thank you!!

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Sweet index page. Not exactly related to the website but are you by any chance a talkshow boy fan? Wondering since you seem to always type your as yr
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totallynotazombie 6 months ago

ty! and no lol, i dont know abt them :/

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totallynotazombie 6 months ago

i love yr website, the vibe is so nice and yr art is so neat :3

1 like

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJan 2, 2023
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art furry programing personal cryptozoologie