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as usual...neocities unfollowed (and blocked this time???) ppl that i like and follow. im doing the refollow of shame 😔 im finally going to email the nc overlord to complain about it lol
@loves1ck wait.....neocities can do that?
yeah -_- a few others i know have the same issue too. it's some weird bug but idk why it happens
I had no idea Neocities was taking cues from Tumblr lol??
whoa this woman's art listing is an amazing idea!! I'll have to make a page for my adventures into embroidery for it
@capy i know right?? so dumb lmao
@ally thank you!!! im trying my best to finish the page for it but ive made very little progress LOL. adulting is too time consuming...
I'm excited to see where this artemisian page is going. <3