Wow, those cervine snaps are fantastic! Yours is still one of the best sites here
Congratulations! You deserve it. I hope that Venus is cozily curled up this winter ^____^
oh no! that's very odd. they seem to be loading normally on my end. are all the images broken for you?
also I'm not sure if it's applicable to you, but I have seen slow internet speeds cause images to not load, which makes it look like they're broken
hmm not my internet is working well, just did a speed test and no problems there. The error I'm getting when I try to open in new window is "HTTP ERROR 429"
(like try to open an image in new window. all the images are showing broken on the pages)
I hadn't even HEARD of that movie until now, but I will certainly add it to my movies 2 watch list, thank you for the recc!
"If I uploaded every photo my trailcam has taken in its lifetime we'd be here all day!" I chuckled at that and the "800 pictures of grass".
@bmh what you said got me curious about how many pictures the cam has taken in it's lifetime (minus the 800 pictures of grass that have been long since deleted haha), so I checked and it's a grand total of 7,744 photos. (9.28gb!!) That's not counting the 7 months worth of pics that got corrupted and are gone forever because I accidentally removed the SD card before turning off the cam a few years ago lol
thank you sm!!! your site is really awesome i love the different boar pages :-)
I told her of your compliments and she purred and purred