Salty's Lair | Landing

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Yoooo, my wife and I just scrolled through your site together. It's sooo good. I love that you've committed to it for so long!! That's my ultimate goal is to run a site for decades. We especially loved reading about your rave days and looking through all the goofy photos and fliers. I will definitely add your button to my badge wall when I get it up and running :) -Salty
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fairytrash 1 year ago

aww thank you for your kind words! i haven't updated the site in a long time, but maybe one day i will again.

love your wife page, especially your garfield collection. how big is it? much love -t
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tabbygarf 1 year ago

ps: the images next to web fidget toys are broken (/linkfarm)

saltedslug 1 year ago

Hehe, thank you. It's a crowd favorite! It's *her* collection definitely hahaha, but we have a lot of little plushes around the house. She often gets them from our friends and parents for holidays. I should honestly take pictures and make a section on the website for them.

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tabbygarf 1 year ago

please do! I personally have 2 vintage plushies (a garfield christmas handpuppet and a regular on its fours)! It's cool to find another Garfield fan on the web!

tabbygarf 1 year ago

ps: do you have a bandcamp or soundcloud? i saw you do d'n'b and i'm pretty interested

Another tiny update as I near the third revision of my website! I've been working very hard on a total site overhaul (both visually and its code) for awhile now, and I hope to have it done someday before I keel over. However, I did finally make an 88x31 button for my site. You'll find it on the index page. :) Enjoy and see you soon!
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Hi! If you don't mind me asking, how were you able to make the buttons clickable and change in your 'About Me'? Sorry if the question is confusing, I'm trying to do something similar but I'm confused on how to even start ^^, thanks again!
saltedslug 1 year ago

No worries, at all! I actually used a little JavaScript for that bit. I made a function that grabs each little "about" element (based on ID name) on a click of that particular button. It's really low-level JS stuff, so even if you don't know any, I'm sure I could scrape up a tutorial from somewhere for you! Just lmk

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saltedslug 1 year ago

I can also just send you a little file with the code in it if you wanna analyze it and/or rip it!

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phantasmablahh 1 year ago

ah I would appreciate both very much thank you ^^!

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saltedslug 1 year ago

Tight; just shoot me an email and I'll get ya fixed up.

phantasmablahh 1 year ago

ayy thank you so much :) super appreciate it!

i am still working diligently on the new update! it's become far more of a big project than I expected, but I am pleased with the results so far. Thanks for hanging with me!
love all your collages ^^ i love the various themes and how you described them! also just v cool website overall!
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saltedslug 1 year ago

Hey there!! Thanks for your kind words, I truly appreciate it. I am in the process of a complete revamp (again) so keep yr eyes peeled!

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I just stumbled upon your site, and I absolutely love it. I am working on a very similar "tech collection" section of my website; I feel we're kindred spirits on that bit! Haha -Salty
yoo, thank you for following along with the site :) i love your layout; it's sick. can't wait to see more from ya!
tiny update today, i'm feeling good after taking a break from this site and working on the wife's art website. see y'all in a bigger, better update soon :)

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedDec 23, 2022
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art music technology graphics queer