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Oh lovely, filegarden (where I put most of my images for this website, including the numerous buttons for my links page and a lot of art) has been blocked by cloudflare! Hoping this issue gets resolved, but if it doesn't expect me to disappear for a while, as I'm already really depressed and having more than half my work on my site be fucked over will be a serious blow to my mental health :grin:
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I'm finally done with the personal links section!!! (image of guy jumping in front of sunrise with broken chains here). next on my block is to fix up my gallery pages. I have an idea on how I want them to look finally :-3
I am sorry for no recent updates, I know no-one cares but I've been both super sick and also pretty depressed lately so idk when I'll get to working on my site again o7
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badgraph1csghost 1 month ago

like i always say: you come first, site comes last. take care of yourself. we'll still be here :D

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Thank you for the follow!! I also listened to "a hell of my own" and it was so absurdly good?? idk how to describe it, it was like a bunch of different textures and was just a really pleasant musical experience :thumbs-up:
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sniz 1 month ago

Thank you!! Another tape is dropping in 2 weeks. I just dropped a new music video today.

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedDec 10, 2024
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personal blog art horror bugs