Salty's Lair 3.0 | Index

2,235 updates
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added a new little page to the "blog" section of the site today, and started working on my quiz results in the "about" section. enjoy~!
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Brooo, the new layout is SO GOOD! I absolutely love it.
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pastelhell 2 months ago

thank you so much!

no updates this week; started a new job and am so exhausted!!
tabbygarf 2 months ago

have good rest next to wifey

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yo this is all new
saltedslug 2 months ago

ur damn straight it's new

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tabbygarf 2 months ago

damn straight? i live my life bi the book!

tabbygarf 2 months ago

ah! i found the wife page! its empty! can't wait for its comeback!

Pushing a few new things to the site right now! Mostly boring optimizations. The landing page should load a whole lot faster now; I have no idea why I thought a giant 1080p blurry background needed to be saved as a .PNG :) real moron hours over here but it's a jpeg now that's 5% the file size of the old one.
had a busy day doing music stuff today, but took a few minutes to add a chatbox to the new layout. left yall a little note. <3
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Also - I also fixed my other website (which is now embedded into Salty's Lair) to match the site layout, as well.
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Website Stats

Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedDec 23, 2022
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art music queer technology graphics