the new koinuko

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cyberoccultism 1 year ago

holy shit south park, phineas and ferb, keroro gunsou and yugioh memes on the same page, this is blessed content

phew... ok, I tried making those other sizes i was talking about for the webring widget! I made a vertical one that should be better for sidebars/etc. and a mini one that I think is very cute :plead: ( If anybody wants to switch the new codes are on the 'join webring' page. If you use a new one please let me know if there are any problems with them!!
expnem 1 year ago

the mini widget is sooo cute :D great work!!

sakana 1 year ago

Nice and tidy, thank you for your hard work

You have been added to the Self-Insert Webring! Your assigned number is 125. Copy the code from this page and change the 0 to a 125 so that it will work properly! If the code doesn't load on your page at first, try pressing CTRL + F5 to refresh the page! Thanks for joining!
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y2kstardust 1 year ago

AH I can finally post and respond!! Thank you <3

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Hiii everybody I'm looking at the code in the Self-Insert Webring and realizing now that I know more about JavaScript that the code is quite messy and I could do a lot better now :sob: I renamed some bits of it for clarity and I think I'm going to try making some new versions with cleaner code or smaller/different sizes in the near future!! I'll keep the legacy one as is but look forward to that soon hopefully maybe
koinuko 1 year ago

I'm realizing now that a lot of the compatibility issues some websites had w/ the webring is because I used really generic ids and stuff when I made it OTL

koinuko 1 year ago

my dumbass self still messing up margin and padding after 18 months of coding html lmao. anybody who had misalignment in their webring widget, pls take a look and it should be fixed now; if there are still issues pls send me an e-mail with the link to your page where you have the widget and i will edit the code personally to fix any other problem n_n


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CreatedJan 26, 2021
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