New Duck City

187 updates
0 tips
Happy New Year, all <3 May this be the year I put some significant work onto my site!
newduckcity 8 months ago

Minor updates for now, just a visitor counter on the footer and a last updated section in my home page text. Will work on my About later!

New Duck City was updated.
1 year ago
newduckcity 1 year ago

Put a little more work into my site :3 Added links to the navbar (though most just lead to an under construction message.) and also added a guestbook. Consider signing it if you can :3

FINALLY putting some real effort into doing stuff with my site. Huge thanks to sadgrl's Layout Builder as that is what I'm using for the foundation of my page. Hopefully you won't get bombarded with too notifications many of my updates ^^;
New Duck City was updated.
1 year ago
New Duck City was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
New Duck City was updated.
1 year ago
newduckcity 1 year ago

Idk if the preview is showing it but all I did was change the BG + text color also the original welcome gif was changed to a different one. Really hoping to put some real work to my site soon, so stay tuned !

Maybeโ€ฆ just maybeโ€ฆ will actually make an attempt at working on my page soon
yo! check out my links page for html stuff!
1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedMay 31, 2017
Site Traffic Stats