
1,936 updates
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Keeping an eye on your updates. Always a pleasure to see a fellow creative
Very kind words! I like your illustrations (even if you don't but I totally resonate with what you said regarding art)
1 like
noodledesk 2 years ago

thank you so much :)) and thank u for reading them and responding - it means a lot 💛

1 like
your website is so COOL!!
1 like
the yesterweb instance appears to be down
goblin-heart 2 years ago

thank you it's back up now!

1 like
Your site is very cute and creative too! I like how clean but still full of content it is =D
1 like
vencake 2 years ago

thajks ;-; it's inspired by modern forum designs!

1 like
Omfg suita raito was one of my most visited sites back on the old web. Also - VERY cool layout (+art)! You did my favourite chalice layout and made it responsive..!
1 like
valycenegative 2 years ago

Aaah I know right? SutaRaito totally shaped my web preferences <3 And thank you! Soon enough I'll have to come up with a responsive version of my splashpage too xP

1 like
vencake 2 years ago

ocd therapy I received post/rant

1 like
vencake 2 years ago

Should be caught up on links now. Give me a shout if you've got my button but I haven't linked back.

aywren 2 years ago

Oh, I didn't realize you'd linked my site in your Neocities section. I've linked you back as a mutual - sorry about that!

1 like
vencake 2 years ago

Haha no worries!

Website Stats

Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJun 16, 2021
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