cross paradise..

1,847 updates
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unrelated to website and updates but 123guestbook will be shutting down, so just a heads up if you wanna archive it!
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im yet apologizing for no new updates but i fully lost anyk ind of motivation to work on new layout, just randomly decided "nah nvm i dont like it", but now, i constantly have dreams where i update ths website so i think its a sign to pull it togever start from scratch
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hi guys its my birthday!
vencake 2 years ago

happy birthday!

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thechillzone 2 years ago

happy birthday!!

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im still confused how dnis are supposed to work on neocities. im suppposed to be like "oops i clicked on a website but they have me in theyre dni time to earase it from my memory"
vencake 2 years ago

Yeah the ones that aren't meant for ttt or w/e make no sense. Though dnis I find usually are really specific and unnecessary anyway

marriage ended with volo now agent 8 is my wife... (thanks koi for agreeing to change the ring chara for thrid time...)
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Yer site is chaotic, love it, also Zorua good :thumbs-up:
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMay 17, 2021
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personal pokemon retro