NewsMan's house!

1,073 updates
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Hey, thanks for the follow! Your site and your artwork are really cool!
spiders 6 months ago


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made a page with web resources ! accessible from the main page (remember to do a true refresh, Ctrl+F5)
spiders 6 months ago

if you feel like you saw a similar post on tumblr, that was also me

1 like
there's more pixel adopts in the pixels page now !
I like your pixel cats! ^^
spiders 6 months ago

THANK YOU!!! you happened to write that while i was making more of these, wild!

it seems i've missed both the first site layout anniversary on Jan05 AND the first actual pages being made and archived in Jan22 (..yesterday..). anyways, happy birthday site. the first ever layout was never archived but there's this picture of it:
spiders 6 months ago

ooooooo you want to open the music page and listen to music while you solve the sudoku i put there SO BAD

1 like
spiders 6 months ago

and you will once again ignore the buttons wall screaming to be updated, as do i

spiders 6 months ago

p.s. oh god. the updates wall... Aug07: i hope this isnt the only update this month, and then in big white letters it goes JAN18: HELLO

thanks for the follow and i am following you back and will make a button if you don't have one to link you to my front page
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astraya 6 months ago

you have a button i found it

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you already saw me fighting for eight months with the buttons page last year, now get ready for this year's fight: me trying to catch up to not only the buttons page, but with the people that followed me whose websites i haven't checked out yet, too. so many things to do and so many webbed sites to see
puddingpudds 6 months ago

Fight Spider, Fight!

BTW, A TIP: if you upload a site to the wayback machine, you need to do it for every page of the site individually! i discovered that the hard way. anyways, archive your webbed sites, download the files every now and then, and all that!
spiders 6 months ago

i always forget to archive my site in the wayback machine so, to whoever's been doing that every now and then, thank you!!!!

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedDec 22, 2022
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