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79 updates
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Yeesh! I really want to update this website!! I recently was let go from a job that was taking all my focus creatively, so now I'm going to have way more time to work on my projects. Hoping to have an update finished by the end of June!
datacorrupt 1 year ago

I'm really happy with how well this site has been received even though I haven't really done that much. Excited to see how y'all will like future updates!!

Happy new year everyone! “:♡.•♬✧⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾*+:•*∴
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datacorrupt 2 years ago

Woohoo! Finally got some more pages on here ^o^! Put up some comics & illustrations- plus some navigation stuff! Will be updating more in the near future and cleaning it up a bit more!

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datacorrupt 2 years ago

New dancers of the week! They just arrived from a show at the Tyrannia Concert hall- its Yes boy Ice-cream!

tysm for the follow!!! i LOVE forgetting everybody's name it has such a good feeling to it
datacorrupt 2 years ago

aww Thanks so much! I still need to go through more of your comics but your paneling work is great! Also really loved the smug as bug illustration, so cute.

datacorrupt 2 years ago

New dancer of the week just dropped- he's really good 0_o

datacorrupt 2 years ago

got some plans to do some more major updates- i've just been so busy with work & some art deadlines lately. Such is life >o>

i love your layout :O !
datacorrupt 2 years ago

omg thank you so much! Yours is amazing as well ^3^!

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datacorrupt 2 years ago

updated the dancer of the week! Sorry for missing last weeks!

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Website Stats

Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedDec 5, 2021
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art cartooning zines zine