NewsMan's house!

1,073 updates
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spiders 10 months ago

responsive pages so far are ABOUT, NEWS, index, OFF shrine and MUSIC

hiiiii ur page is awesome !! i am still going through it but i love it so far
spiders 10 months ago

making site responsive and accesible. Index page should be good to see on mobile now! remember to clear your cache to see the changes

spiders 10 months ago

needless to say, the news and artworks pages are going to be hell for adding alt descriptions . so many buttons

UPDATE (Again. Yes): i made more site buttons. they're in the news page, if you want to check them out. ALSO more site buttons from yall linked there! (as always, not everyone is there yet)
spiders 10 months ago

for the new people: in normal circumstances the site gets updated every one to three days. it's been like that for six months now

1 like
spiders 10 months ago

you're going to go see my shrine of the iconic RPG Maker game called OFF now!!! go there!!! read it and look at my drawings

3dsangel 10 months ago

the shrine is so simple but so pretty!!!!!!

spiders 10 months ago

THANKYOUU i rlly like how it turned out . wanted to keep it simple like the in-game color palettes

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(unimpressed voice) i think nico is making a spiders dot neocities dot org update... but it can't be... he never does that..
i know what you're ALL thinking (all of you). when is spiders dot neocities going to get another update (something you think about a lot)(all the time). well,
spiders 10 months ago

this is my way of saying I Want To Do Website Stuff So Bad

1 like
spiders 10 months ago

artworks age update. go see. NOW

spiders 10 months ago

PAGE not age

ribose 10 months ago

happy birthday artworks

1 like
still no updates so mayyybe get back at speedrunning the site
1 like
spiders 10 months ago

MIGHT make a blog post actually. hold on


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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedDec 22, 2022
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art blog personal music games