my socks are what now?

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i love your site!! its really cozy ^^
cherrylotus 6 months ago

thank you! (ㅅ´ ˘ `) i love your site too, it reminds me of the book "Everyone's a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too"

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mism4tchedsocks 6 months ago

@cherrylotus i haven't heard of that yet, i'll check it out :D

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why did i get followed by a hentai/callout site and how do i report/block it?? bc holy shit i did not want to see that
mism4tchedsocks 6 months ago

nvm found out how to block them!!!!

ondine 6 months ago

Same, I think they're just trying to follow as many people as possible to get attention. It's probably a troll account, it was just created today

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mism4tchedsocks 6 months ago

bears in trees page now has the option for an accessible theme! adding it to the muse pages now :)

mism4tchedsocks 6 months ago

recap: music, muse, journal, bears in trees, all the misc pages, home & about can now all be viewed with the accessible theme!! only the artworks, postcard & art history pages are left unless i missed something :)

mism4tchedsocks 6 months ago

gonna archive the books and movie pages bc idk i dont like them and im not using them! theyre still accessible through the sitemap but yeah. the music page is still up & the theme switcher works on that too now. still need to add alt texts to the music collection, will do that asap :)

mism4tchedsocks 6 months ago

added a list thing i dont remember the nameto choose between the default theme and a more accessible one! for now only on the main pages, but i’m working on adding it (and making it work) to all the other pages aswell ^^

this website smells like my grandmothers jam /pos your artworks are so so cool!!!
the-snail-garden 6 months ago

:O yayy my first comment!! thank you! i also like your website!!

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genuine question, is it like neocities courtesy to comment on a site when they follow you? i just realised that i Havent Been Doing That and if its like courtesy I AM SO SORRY. i want to comment on loads of sites but i dont want to seem accidentally rude or pushy or whatever TvT
owlroost 6 months ago

If you want to comment, then comment. Neocities is about websites first and foremost, and anything else is whatever messages you want to leave. Be as talkative or quiet as you want.

Oh no sorry I haven't responded! I've been a bit busy recently ^^; Thank you for the follow though!! I absolutely love the macabre/gothic style I'm getting from your site, it's really good! Combined with your really in-depth writings on art and your other little tidbits, it makes me imagine I'm reading them in this setting heehee
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mism4tchedsocks 6 months ago

omg no worries!! thank you so so much rah thats a huge compliment ^-^ i LOVE the colors of your site and your animations are sooo cool!!!! :>

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mism4tchedsocks 6 months ago

wanted to further edit the bit shrine but my wifi at home is rlly shit atm so it’ll have to wait probably :/

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMar 9, 2024
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