Undead Parish

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Undead Parish was updated.
1 week ago
Undead Parish was updated.
2 weeks ago
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Undead Parish was updated.
4 weeks ago
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I love this web design a ton! Really encapsulates the chilly aura of a Souls game. Your blogpost also reminded me of the ER comic, so thank you cause now I can properly add it to my list. Sucks to hear it seems to not live up to much , but I guess it makes sense when you take something with vague lore and try to write a coherent plot about it that readers could instantly understand..
undeadparish 4 weeks ago

thank you! this makes me want to update more frequently to be honest..

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undeadparish 4 weeks ago

and the plot is okay-ish but the jokes are really what made me so disinterested in continuing to read it :( but you should try reading it and forming an opinion yourself though, I can't speak on everyone's behalf!

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Undead Parish was updated.
1 month ago
Undead Parish was updated.
1 month ago
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brainimpediment 7 months ago

GHAH this art is so coool....ohhhh.. vittorino...and thje bloodborne stufff.. and gabirep..wowie....

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undeadparish 7 months ago

WAAH rhank you.. i want to add more o7

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your site is sick! we share a lot of interests.. very fun
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brainimpediment 7 months ago

AH! DARK SOULS WEBSITE.., HELLO!!! thank u!! I will be going thru yours now,,, socool,,,

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedDec 25, 2022
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personal art videogames