the new koinuko

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armonicnoise 1 year ago

characters as a trading card... that idea sounds familiar *cof* *cof*

koinuko 1 year ago

OMG totally!! I've always loved your trading cards, making them yourself is a really fun idea and I wanted to do it for a long time, then I found this game and got obsessed with it lol!

dismas 1 year ago

Ohh my god ive been hearing a lot about this tcg and im really interested in it, but it feels kind of daunting since ive never played an online tcg before. Do you have any tips for a beginner? I have a good idea of how im going to make my page but it already feels like its going to be really empty

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koinuko 1 year ago

I almost didn't see this comment, sorry!! It definitely IS really daunting, I've only been playing for about a month but everyone is really nice. A lot of people use this automated thing called etcg, but I don't think it works on Neocities because it needs PHP scripts. I coded a bunch of tools in Javascript myself and I plan on posting them very soon so other people can use them!!

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koinuko 1 year ago

Gloomlee also made a LOT of super helpful tools you can find here: I might write up a little page or smth about the game because a lot of people are joining (and im SOOO stoked about it for real I am so happy haha :'D)

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dismas 1 year ago

Alright :D good to know. thanks a ton! Excited to read that tutorial youre working on as well!

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koinuko 1 year ago

Member list generation should now be automated, this might make me more inclined to get new members added since it's less work - going to try it out rn :)

koinuko 1 year ago

Edited some wording on the webring application page to make it more obvious that platonic webring apps are allowed! Also I feel bad ignoring my site for a month because I've been collecting cards so I'll try to get more people added lol.

hey I've been trying to figure out my website, how do you make the squares on your page and how do you position them?
koinuko 1 year ago

Hi! Almost everything on my homepage is inside a div, which is basically a box that you can style/position however you like. Using them is really helpful for organizing content! They're kind of confusing to get used to at first, especially if you want to move things all over the page, but most of the time I just start out with a div in the middle of the page, and everything inside the div centered.

koinuko 1 year ago There are lots of ways to position them, I personally use margins most of the time! Margins measure the space around a div, and you can edit them by individual direction (left/right/top/bottom) which is helpful. I usually use margin-left and (this is pretty weird tbh) margin-top with a negative value to position my stuff, which moves something up on the page.

koinuko 1 year ago

There is another method called flexbox that I actually only learned recently, it seems kind of intimidating but overall I think is easier than using margins. If/when you're comfortable with coding enough to give it a shot I recommend it :D

koinuko 1 year ago

i changed my mind i love javascript actually


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CreatedJan 26, 2021
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