
11,582 updates
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best site on this website thank you fellow saw fan
theneedlepit 9 months ago

thank you so much! <3

wtf going on with that princessmoonlight or whatever person
a0i 10 months ago

idk but at this point they're just reaching for attention

snipchu 10 months ago

I think it's best to ignore and report them, don't give them the attention they want

hunipyon 10 months ago

yeah i’m just honestly confused bc before they seemed like a kid where english might not be their first language but now they’re just trolling and it’s weird bc they’ve been around for a while

hatsunecreationmyth 10 months ago

She said that her age is 8 and her name is Kelly

hatsunecreationmyth 10 months ago

She’s not Princess Moonlight, It’s imastealerfatherlessgirl!

1 like
a0i 10 months ago

@primaballerina she WAS princessmoonlight.

1 like
replaying hc for my shrine today...! hopefully the shrine will be finished very soon. my first fully finished shrine!!
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do you guys think that iframes are better to work with than just not using them? i've been neglecting learning how to use them but i've seen many of my fav sites *do* use them so...anyone have any resources or thoughts on it?
arkmsworld 10 months ago

I have an iframe on my Den page. I think they are sometimes fun and useful, and they don't cause problems with bookmarking and other things like the old HTML4 frames did.

goooby 10 months ago

They're good for reducing lag and having the same elements on different page without typing them again without updating them both

swirl 10 months ago

I think theyre really helpful so you can update every page at once without going theough all of them! like for navigations for example, you can efit it on every page u have it on, extremely easy! check my site out if im bad at explaining lol

hunipyon 10 months ago

thank you everyone!! this really helps :) i'll see where i can put some iframes in

we miss you p3p
hunipyon 10 months ago

i just want everyone to know that i say this as if i don’t talk to emmy every single day

ミ★ was updated.
10 months ago
when you guys do diaries or journals, do you feel stressed to write entries? or do you do it as a means to relax? when i had monthly diaries i always felt stressed to add entries and create a page for each month but i realized maybe thats not the best way to go about smth thats supposed to be more calming. im thinking abt maybe just making one set diary/jrnl page ....
nonkiru 10 months ago

i always feel a little stressed out about doing it every day!! so i just do it whenever i feel like it instead, and sometimes i dont write anything at all and i just draw instead!! having a physical diary helps too, mostly cus i can put funny little stickers on it

1 like
hunipyon 10 months ago

@nonkiru that makes sense!! i'd love to actually make journals/diaries that calm me down and not feel more stressed

ミ★ was updated.
10 months ago
new index page...! mostly done w it just need to add more graphics bc i'm a fiend. will work on maybe my hc shrine tmr? or my new homepage...!
ミ★ was updated.
10 months ago

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedJan 21, 2019
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