The web site of DigiDevil

3,495 updates
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Followed fellow santa believer
speedmaggots 2 years ago

santa lovers unite

Ignore the fucked up thumbnail idk how to update it.
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ganga 2 years ago

try clearing your browser cache

Are y’all santa believers? HE IS REAL
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enjoy flcl :3
digital-devil 2 years ago

I’m not. I got bored very fast i should probably try watching it again i’m on episode 4

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koyo 2 years ago

tbh thats fair its not for everyone and it can be confusing first watch

I uh changed the site name... A couple things r broken but i fixed most of em lol also if you linked to me you gotta change it from digital-devil to digidevil.
Might change my site around who knows? Probably not jack frost themed eventually tho ill have a separate theme 4 him tho.
I cant see ur site for some reason, i disabled my ad blocker and everything but the center frame just simply wont show up?
bruisedgh0st 2 years ago

heya ! what browser do you use ? i mainly use firefox for pretty much everything including working on my site so perhaps it could be an issue with your browser ? i've also used opera and both with adblock and my site looks alright. i'm so sorry for the inconvenience !!

nippo 2 years ago

I want to chip in and say that the center frame also appears to be blank for me. I tried it on Firefox and Chrome. I also made sure to turn off adblocker too.

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digital-devil 2 years ago

I use chrome

bruisedgh0st 2 years ago

hmm that is really odd... i am very new to html and the like so please forgive me for my slow updates to the site ! i'll have to look up where the issue is coming from and do my best to fix it from there. i thank you both very much for visiting my site and telling me about these issues ! i'll work on it asap !!

Wait youre a cyborg? Thats cool as fuck how does it work tell me pls!!!
digital-devil 2 years ago

Where 2 research how 2 learn making shit like that????

cyborgcatboys 2 years ago

I have some tech projects that (when done), will be wearable, thus technically making me a cyborg. my favourite one is a pair of working cat ears (as in you can hear thru them), bu t that's still at least three months away from completion.

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cyborgcatboys 2 years ago

as for how to learn how to do it, i'm not really sure, im working towardsa degree in electronix and i have a mentor whose a senior electronic engineer. I don;t think there's any really good resources for my specific use-cases, but try looking up stuff like "arduino cosplay" or "cosplay tech". i like going on to see what others have made

digital-devil 2 years ago


im back

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CreatedMar 23, 2021
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